Spinning Babies Conference
At the end of September we were invited to have a table at the very first Spinning Babies World Confluence. We had a great time and made...
Star Tribune Article
The Star Tribune covered how things have changed since the anti shackling law went into effect in 2014, including the right to pump...
Visit from Alabama
Last week we had three lovely ladies visit us from The East Alabama Birth Village so they could learn about how the prison doula project...
2015: Month by Month
For the past five years, our project has grown, reaching women within our state and beyond. By the close of 2015 our staff had reached...
Gender Injustice: System-Level Juvenile Justice Reforms for Girls
Gender Injustice: System-Level Juvenile Justice Reforms for Girls
Minnesota's new law
On July 1st, 2015 Minnesota's law regarding the treatment of incarcerated women went into full effect spanning across all 87 counties. ...
Exciting Changes!
Exciting changes! As of July 1, 2015 Minnesota's Healthy Beginnings for Babies of Incarcerated Mothers law will go into full effect,...
Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Attorney Jennifer Urban Urban Birken PLLC jenn@urbanbirken.com Phone: (612) 284-6441 RE: Isis Rising...
The Marshall Project
Hard Labor A doula offers a little comfort for a birth behind bars. Picture by ANGELA JIMENEZ